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  • kirstinh8

Staging 101

Setting up your home for potential buyers is a key component in the selling process. It's important to have your home staged so anyone can imagine their personal belongings and family living there. Here are some key points to follow:

Paint A fresh coat of paint on your walls can make a big difference in the presentation of your home. Even if it isn't your style, light neutral colors such as ivory or light grey can make the space look cleaner and brighter. You want to appeal to the largest number of people as you can, so creating a blank canvas allows the buyers to insert themselves into the house.

De-Clutter and De-Personalize De-cluttering, minimizing furniture, and putting away personal photos, mementos, and accessories is important in order for the potential buyers to imagine themselves in that space. The fewer the items, the larger and cleaner your home will appear.

Design The way your home is designed can determine a potential offer. Having the furniture arranged just right with matching paint colors and decor can transform a room from ordinary to extraordinary. However, finding inspiration can be difficult, using a staging or interior design service can make the selling process simpler and lead to a faster sale.

Make Small Fixes If it can be easily fixed, do it. A loose doorknob or squeaky floorboard can look very shabby to a potential buyer and lead them to think the house isn't in good condition. Small things stand out, so make sure you have everything in tip-top shape.

Does you home need a complete re-do before you put it on the market? Call Adolfson Interior Design at (651) 468-6208 or email

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